VN coaching centre, as a partner of you, explains the fundamental principles to bring clarity, focus, ease and grace to solve any issue and as a result, your goals and dreams will come alive with possibility and promise.
N. NARAYANAN, B.Com., F.C.A., a leading faculty member in various professional institutions, is an internationally recognized professor. He is the founder and creative director of the VN coaching centre. He has trained professionals, teachers and private individuals using the methods and skills he has designed. His courses and workshops have been taken by thousands of people who report significant, extraordinary achievements as a result of these classes.
N. VISALAM, proprietrix of the organization, has got rich experience in the management. In addition to this excellent service to the society, she is working in M/s N.N. & Co, Chartered Accountants, one of the leading audit firm at Chennai, managing for more than a decade. The performance made by VN coaching centre gives an indication why VN coaching centre is dear to us.
Reasons for a learner giving preference to VN coaching centre are many. It is because that our academy is a purpose oriented and fully result oriented.